Six Ways To Promote An Instagram Account
We are all at least a little familiar with Instagram, but what if this social network works not only for selfies and travel notes? Yes, a large number of people can find out about your cat using Instagram, but then why don’t they get acquainted with your brand and become your client?! It’s so logical! Moreover, the platform is rapidly gaining momentum: millions of new users are registered here every month, and this is a trend not only for the CIS countries but for the entire civilized world.
Therefore, we confidently declare that the promotion of an Instagram profile is a great opportunity to promote your business online, no matter what field you are engaged in. It is also important here that the budget for advertising in this social network is minimal. Add to the advantages an insane field for creativity and … read on.
1)Create original content
The most important thing you should do on Instagram is to provide your account with high-quality content. First of all, it should be interesting to your subscribers, so you need posts related to your business, thematic, real, and relevant. This can be a photo of a new product, a funny story with delivery, a news post or a message about a promotion, a screenshot with a positive customer review, a photo or video of a backstage, etc.
Since Instagram has proven itself perfectly as a blog, do not be afraid of long posts. The main thing that will catch the user is interesting text and a high-quality visual.
2)In the beginning, try to buy Instagram followers
Yes, from the very beginning of the development of your account, it will be difficult to attract the attention of a large audience. Therefore, you need as many instagram followers as possible at the initial stage. People will see that you have a lot of subscribers, which means that your content is interesting and so live subscribers will begin to appear.
To start, buy instagram followers cheap. The activity of your subscribers does not matter to you, the main thing is the number. But after a while, when a large number of live subscribers will already appear, there is no point in buying subscribers. There you will always have to create interesting content for your audience.
3)Put hashtags
Hashtags are an additional way of promoting on Instagram, which does not require much effort. Feel free to add them to your posts, but keep in mind: the hashtag must match the photo, be adequate and interesting for your audience.
Hashtags are branded-that is the basic tag that you will be found by. To do this, you can take the name of the store, brand, come up with a slogan or a unique phrase (for example, #runningirls, #school of shopping, #dolceandgabbana; a vivid example of a cool phrase is Nike and #JustDoIt). Include imagination and good taste, because not everything that is written after the # icon is unique and becomes memorable.
Thematic hashtags combine similar content from different accounts into one group – it can be #architecture, #foodstagram, etc. With a competent approach, hashtags can achieve two important goals: new subscribers will find you by keywords, and current followers will get convenient navigation.
4)Be on the live broadcast
On Instagram, you can go live, as well as the “stories” function, which is stored for only a day, without clogging the tape, but bringing a note of live communication to it. Do not underestimate these, at first glance, funny things. For a personal account, “stories” may be entertainment, but for business, it is a great way of promotion.
We will highlight two advantages: first, the subscriber automatically gets a notification that you have launched a live broadcast, and secondly, Instagram highlights your account if you have posted a new “story”. This is a cool free life hack that not everyone has figured out yet, but you should start using it now.
In Instagram, as well as on Facebook, posts in the feed live and die according to a rather complex scheme. For example, if a person stops liking you, the social network thinks that he is no longer interested in you, and stops showing him your publications or does it less often. The subscriber, in turn, perhaps unwittingly, stops receiving your content. Thus, you can quickly find yourself at the tail of the news feed and lose high-quality followers.
The solution is simple: communicate with your subscribers, and do not be afraid to do it directly! Phrases like “we are pleased with your every like”, “thank you for the like” or the promise to put up a beautiful photo after the current one gets enough likes are quite normal practice. It will also be useful to remind your audience about the “enable notification of publications” function – after all, many users have not even heard of it!
6)Gift competition
There are no fewer options for contests on Instagram than on Facebook, but we suggest using the circular one as the most productive from the point of view of promotion and the most recent from the point of view of subscribers.
To launch such a contest, you need to negotiate with other accounts, preferably close in the subject matter. Together, you determine the prizes and agree on the terms of the contest (usually it is a subscription to a profile, a like photo, a friend’s tag, etc.). At some point, a post with a drawn poster is published simultaneously in all profiles, but each account has its prize in the text and a new link to go to the next competitive profile is indicated.
Thus, subscribers follow the links from account to account, perform the specified actions and eventually return to where they started from. That is, they close the circle. From the point of view of promotion, the competition leads to the fact that all the organizing accounts exchange the audience, so you should choose thematic profiles that are close to yours as co-organizers.
By the way, reposts in the case of Instagram contests do not work so well: many users simply do not want to clog their feed with intrusive publications.
Everything is not as difficult as it seems, but if you are unable to promote yourself, you do not have enough time, experience or confidence in the result, contact specialized agencies.
Thanks For sharing such a valuable and honest content to promote Instagram it is really a useful information
thanks for sharing this post. informative and helpful.
Nice information, I like it a lot. Thanks for sharing this post with us !! Also, you can go on Instagram with such creative content. A lot of audiences are there to support you..!!
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