10 Best Ways to Get High-Quality Backlinks For Free

If you are a new brand or a website that does not have a large fan following, and you have been looking for ways to get backlinks; here is a list of methods that you should be employed to gain some high-value backlinks for free
Backlinks are ‘gold’ for ace marketers, though the term may be a bit unfamiliar for the layman!
They may not be under your direct control, but backlinks are the most effective offline SEO tool for the digital presence of all businesses.
If you are still unsure about the term and its usability, read further.
What are backlinks and why are they so important?
When your website, mobile app, blogs, articles, etc. feature interesting content that is also found valuable by other businesses, they might provide its references in the forms of backlinks, inbound links, “incoming links or one-way links; which are present in their content but point to your content. This leads the bots to believe that your content is trustworthy and valuable, making you rank higher on search engines.
Backlinks are not a new concept within the scope of Search Engine Optimization. Rather, it formed the basis of the traditional PageRank algorithms that earlier ranked websites and other digital assets.
The basic reason behind businesses and writing and creating quality content is to generate traffic and viewership and to cement their place in the search engine ranks. Backlinks help achieve all this autonomously as they tend to multiply viewership, both in terms of customers as well as search engines. They serve as an important asset in terms of digital transformation in business as well.
Another aspect of generating backlinks is to understand what kind of backlinks should they be?
You should be trying to aim at increase backlinks from quality and authoritative websites (with high domain authority) as these links have much greater weightage than ordinary ones. Also, try to get these backlinks generated on your target keywords. It would help you gain more mileage, as per the new Google policy, and achieve a higher return on investment on your budget for making an app.
P.S: Do not get overboard in terms of keyword-rich anchor text as Google’s Penguin algorithm sieves through websites that adopt black hat link-building strategies.
How to get quality backlinks for free?
Getting backlinks certainly does not involve rocket science. It is easier to be done with a paid subscription of HARO (Help a reporter out) like platforms that connect you with journalists and other bloggers who require content and are happy to provide backlinks. But, finding them without having to pay a penny, might be tricky. It would require you to be persistent and disciplined in your endeavors.
If you want free backlinks for your site, here are our pointers that will help you get the task done:
1. You would require a good looking website as well as quality content
This is obvious. You cannot expect to receive upvotes from other trusted websites, bloggers, etc. unless and until you publish content at par with their topic and content quality requirements.
Unless your website, blogs, etc. do not look and feel the part; getting backlinks for free is going to be a serious issue.
2. Be as Original as possible
Everybody covets backlinks. Thus, there are a plethora of resources for websites, social media platforms, bloggers, etc. to pick up content from and get inspired with, and then provide backlinks. Do a lot of research yourself and look for data patterns that have not already been published. You could even do your own set of surveys to collect more data, because the fresher the data, the more will be its chances to get shared.
3. Create your data collection
Another option to creating fresh data for backlinks could be to create a collection of resources, wherein the bloggers and other websites would only have to give a single backlink to your content and will find all the other requisite resources there themselves.
4. Make the content interesting with visuals
Have you ever visited statista? It is a website that provides statistics and enjoys backlinks from several million other websites. This is not only due to the above-stated facts but also in the way it showcases its data with the requisite graphs, etc. Similarly, when you present data with the right presentation and images to pique user attention, you elevate getting free backlink chances for your website.
5. Lists are more navigation friendly
Ensure your data is as easy to understand as possible. For this, as an effective SEO strategy, you should be categorizing data into lists with appropriate pointers and headings. The data then becomes more viewer-friendly.
6. Look for Trending Topics
For effective marketing, you would require backlinks as soon as possible. To achieve this, try leveraging trending topics and news pieces that have already gained traction and could become an easy source to achieve user attention. For example, if your blog is talking about a few best android cleaner apps, it is a wise decision to interlink these apps with their download pages.
7. Look for topics that easily grab user attention
For a continuous flow of backlinks, you could even create a library of content that pertains to topics that seem to grab the user’s attention at all times. For instance: A visit to Mars, blockchain importance, developments related to artificial intelligence, development of best heartbeat apps, etc has piqued user attention for years and is still a viable topic for discussion. Similar data helps harvest multiple backlinks in the long run.
8. Free HARO Subscription
You could choose to sign up for a free subscription on HARO. As a public relation platform, it effectively connects people that need sources (bloggers and journalists) to people that want links and exposure (you).
9. Public Relations
This strategy would take time to bear fruit. When you harbor public relations and connections with high domain authority websites; you set yourself up for user traffic at a later stage when they start believing in your brand and return the favors with backlinks. A good way to get started on this is by getting on social media and trying to connect directly with their social media handles.
10. Write Testimonials and Recommendations
Another effective way to grab the attention of high DA websites and digital platforms could be to provide them with recommendations and reviews that they shall covet. This shall bring you in their focus and then if you can deliver quality content, you just might get backlinks for free.
Keep Trying
Though backlinks are important for SEO, do not try and become overbearing in your pursuit of high DA websites. Try to stay balanced in your endeavors and create content that attracts viewer attention on its own. In between, do not forget to follow other SEO strategies and include its features in your website or other digital assets. Stay calm and keep up at it.
How to get backlink from news portal
Thanks sir for suggest us how to get Get High Quality Backlinks For Free
Really thanks for this article (post) ☺️
Thanks a lot sir