Tips to Increase Your Website Traffic for Making More Sales

The heavy competition in the market today has made sure that website traffic will not accelerate naturally. Mere website design and content no longer guarantee enough visitors. If you want them to come, you have to draw them into your site and you can only do this through promotion.
It is visitors that make the website useful as you may have the best website on earth but this will not be all that you need in ensuring that your website remains operational.
Whether you seek to market products and services or to basically take part in affiliate marketing, your website should be created with a view to increasing the number of visitors to it. The following are tips that will help you increase website traffic.
1) Making Search Engine Friendly Website
The other way through which you can increase website traffic is by using Search Engines. These are important as they help deliver traffic to your website. Most people use search engines while trying to find products and services that are offered by companies.
With advertising, the likelihood of visitors clicking on your website will be increased greatly. This will in turn be a beneficial tip on how to increase traffic to your website, particularly for a beginner.
However, as you advertise, do not remember to ensure that the website is ranked highly in the results generated by the search engine.
2) Creating Links
One of the best ways to increase website traffic is to create links on your websites. Research has proven that links are the most essential things that can be included in a website since they help the websites rank highly in the results generated by the search engines. They help index the websites.
There are a variety of link-building services and packages that are offered nowadays. Such services are essential for beginners who are seeking ways to improve their knowledge of link usage in websites.
The packages and services can also be used by people who have been in the SEO business longer. You can use tools like Semrush and Similarweb to get an overview of your competitor’s backlink.
Here is an in-depth comparison of both the tools – Semrush vs Similarweb.
3) Usage of Forums
There is a forum out there for just about any subject and you can usually register for free. Keeping your keyword in mind, search on Google for the word forum and then look at what you find, this way you could locate some meaningful forums.
You cannot overtly publicize your site however to draw people to your site, write rational posts, offer solutions and advice or free information, comment on favorite issues, and in no time a multitude of people will be visiting your website for free.
4) Writing Articles
Some article directories will assess your article before posting it to ensure quality and fluency, while others do not, so you can submit your article with a link on your site the same day.
Others take the article to put it up on their website with your author data at the bottom, showing a link to your site.
5) Digg it
Digg provides a marvelous opportunity for you to post amusing bits and pieces or a brief summary of your blog post, article post, or prose text from your website.
It does not take much time to show up on their highly esteemed and top-ranking pages, once more providing a possible improvement to your website traffic.
6) Email List Building
It is incredible that you do not have a list yet! There are many people on the web who have not constructed their own email list, it is quite extraordinary.
The good thing about a list is you can pre-set a series of messages to remind them to visit your website, and you can send out an email broadcast at any time telling them to visit your site for the latest special offer or piece of advice – viola – an instant boost to website traffic.
7) Choosing your keywords carefully
When coming up with keywords for your web copy and SEO strategy, find a balance between words that are specific to your business and words that people actually type in the search window.
For example, if you specialize in wedding flower arrangements, the keyword “flowers” is too general and wouldn’t do much for you. “Wedding bouquets” is a better choice.
Do you need some inspiration? Here’s a trick: go to the website of a competitor that ranks well. In the web browser menu, go to View and View source. A new window will open up with all the information about that page.
Look for meta keywords and you might get ideas for keywords to use, or not to use, on your company site. We don’t recommend being a copycat, hopefully, your website has something very unique to offer, but it doesn’t hurt to check out what the competitors are up to.
When you incorporate your keywords in the website copy, make sure to include the most important words in the first paragraph of each page. Finally, keep in mind that you write for humans, not for machines, so don’t overstuff your copy with keywords.
You can use best SEO tool in the market right now i.e. Semrush. Here is a detailed guide on how you can get a Semrush free trial.
8) Social Media Marketing
Social marketing is also known as viral marketing and is one of the oldest forms of advertisement alive. People for centuries have been talking to or marketing products and businesses to the people that they know forever.
This is an effective way of getting the information out there and building traffic. Getting traffic through friends can be through having them as a guest blogger or asking them to add a line about a business at the bottom of all their outgoing emails.
Business owners should always be talking about their business, no matter whom they are talking to or what they are doing.
9) Blog Posting
There are a ton of sites and products on the internet. Some marketers believe that it is taboo to encroach on the same or like industries, but that is where the people are.
Because they are competition doesn’t mean that they cannot drive traffic or business to a site. Maybe a little sneaky, but how about posting on blogs, question and answer sessions, or other posting sites where the completion resides.
After all the people that are looking at the competitions site or product are obviously interested, therefore making them a good prospect.
10) YouTube Marketing
After Google and Facebook, YouTube is the most visited site on the World Wide Web. You can’t just let pass the chance of using it to promote your own site.
You can upload a video promoting your products and services or put up a tutorial video that is related to your business and then just add your website URL to it. I would recommend using URL shortener to shorten your link.
The video does not have to be studio-produced. In fact, you can even film it yourself using a standard point and shoot digital camera or even your mobile phone. You can also make screencasts using Cam Studio or Jing.
11) Produce Newsletters
If you have a detailed email list of visitors who have once visited your website, send them informative and attractive newsletters that have all the recently updated information about your website.
By writing attractive newsletters you will be able to attract traffic to your website in an effective manner. Running an automated email marketing campaign is a great way to engage more and more people towards your business website.
12) Sign up Forums
Signing up on forums of your related niche and with high page ranks is a great way to boost your website traffic. This is because these are the places where a lot of people used to visit to find a solution for their problems.
Moreover, you will also be able to know about the topic of interest for your target audience and further you can use those topics in your blogs.
13) Free eBook marketing
You could write up a quick eBook, promote it on your squeeze page, site, or blog, and a lot of people download it. If it’s good, people will want to share it on their website and will want to pass it along to others.
You will want to state on the first page of your eBook that people have the authority to pass along this eBook to others.
You will want to embed your links within your eBook – preferably in the header of every page. This is easy to do if you’re creating your eBook in Microsoft Word.
You could actually start a viral marketing campaign that people will want to pass around to most of their colleagues. Here’s another traffic tip that you can use:
15) Pay per click (PPC)
I’m sure you’ve had your dose of pay-per-click advertising, and I know that you know that it’s a great way to get instant targeted traffic to your website. But if you’re not careful, this marketing strategy will suck your advertising dollars dry, and leave you broke in the end.
The trick with PPC is to make a profit – or at least break even on every sale. If your internet business hasn’t evolved enough for you to know how much you can afford to lose on a particular customer, then you should just stick with at least breaking even on every sale.
This way you gain a customer for free – without losing anything in the process. The more customers you get for free, the more your sales and profits will increase.
If you didn’t already know, backend sales will account for 80% of your total business profits. So if you just break even on a sale, you shouldn’t feel discouraged.
16) Leave Comments at Yahoo-Answers To Attract Traffic
Go into the Yahoo-answers site (Google-search for it) and scroll around reading the problems or questions persons have posted. If one is close to the solution you have (an eBook you have for sale, or, an affiliate product you signed up to promote) you can leave a comment at the bottom of that person’s problem-post (message) suggesting where they can find the solution to their problem.
This is an excellent way to drive ‘targeted’ traffic to your splash page (offering one product or service) or an article. Your offer to solve their problem or inquiry is a strong incentive for them to at least visit your site/URL one time to take a look.
Once there, it is up to your words (ad copy) on that page to convince them to grab the product or service (or it might be to sign up for a free product, which works best).
17) Employ Viral Marketing To Get More Traffic
Viral marketing can be accomplished without any cost to you, just the time invested. Viral actually means “word of mouth”, but entails much more than that. It also includes silent items that advertise for you like: logos, website name (your URL), etc.
Viral marketing is your website name (URL) in the ‘Resource box at the bottom of your articles. It’s your logo design displayed on a splash page or website page.
THE NEWEST TRICK: is to display your website name (domain name) on the bottom edge of your video! This is one of the “Hottest’ ways to get traffic to your site today. Your video loaded up to any of the video sites (for Free) is one of the best ways to attract visitors to your website, splash page, or article.
For a beginner that is seeking to develop strategies for increasing website traffic, you will need to focus on the effective techniques and methods that are more likely to help you generate the best search engine results based on your input.
You can use systems that will help guide you through the whole system of starting up the internet marketing business. Such systems can be acquired through online sites.
Alternatively, you can get a tutor to take you through the tried and tested methods of increasing website traffic.
Lastly, the success of an Internet business is in the end dependent on the quality of the product or service on offer. The aim is not just to generate new traffic, but also maintain the existing customers.
This can only be achieved if the customers are happy with their purchase. Taking all these into consideration, online business entrepreneurs will be well-positioned to make money online.
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