May 2022 Core Algorithm Update

Google has confirmed the May 2022 Core Algorithm Update rollout, which effectively means the season of volatile SERPs fluctuation is back. There has been a lot of chatter around an impending Google Core Update as it’s been six months since we last saw Google rolling out one. The last time Google launched a core update was in November 2021.
Though two product review updates followed this in December and March, the impact was limited to review sites.
We don’t like hate-mongering, and we see core updates more as an opportunity than a bane. That’s because, with core updates, Google is trying to make the search landscape a level-playing field by lifting the rankings of the sites that have done exceptionally well during a specific period of time.
While a few sites get the benefit, a few others may see their rankings being taken over. But that points out the need to update the content to match the new user intent and the updates in the industry they are in.
So, what I mean to say is that if you see a drop in your rankings that could indicate that it’s time to refresh the content of those pages.
As Danny Sullivan, the Public Liaison for Search at Google, tweeted, “Core updates are changes we make to improve Search overall and keep pace with the changing nature of the web.”
Further, the search engine giant claims that though nothing in a core update is specific to any particular site, these core updates may create noticeable changes to the way certain sites perform in organic results.
Today, we're releasing a broad core update, as we do several times per year. This update is called the May 2022 core update. Learn more:
— Google Search Central (@googlesearchc) May 25, 2022
Here is a brief look at Google’s general guidelines regarding core updates.
Predictions aside, again, it is going to take about a couple of weeks for this new update to unveil completely.
It is expected that webmasters who’ve been making improvements to their sites since the last update will begin to see a substantial rise in their search engine rankings.
Carrying out improvements doesn’t promise recovery. However, staying static and not making any improvements for recovery will certainly bring no recovery at all.
On the contrary, people who have left their sites unattended after the last core update are likely to see themselves outdone by sites featuring better content.
Broad core updates may come up every few months. Chances are, sites may stay unrecovered from one update until the next update takes place
Focusing on publishing the best possible content is the topmost recommendation to handle the kind of impact a core algorithm update has brought about.
Web pages that see a drop in search engine rankings are not penalized. They are just re-evaluated against the other content that’s gone live after the last update.
Google’s core updates are broad as they don’t target or are specific to any particular site. Instead, they are devised to boost the overall relevance of search results and make them more resourceful for everyone.
Expect apparent impacts, including a rise or drop in search engine rankings.
So, nothing much has changed as of now. To get to know things better, we’ll have to wait for the next update regarding the May 2022 core update straight from the horse’s mouth.