How to Write a Blog Post that People Actually Want to Read?

If you’re reading this post, then you probably have felt a familiar sting of writing something you were really excited about, only to discover that only 10 people have read it. Trust me, most of us have been there including me.
As a blogger and an internet marketer, I’m always asked the secret of pulling readers and keep them coming back for more. I have a blog that is 6 years old. Back in 2013, I used to get around 100 visits a month. And then the things changed, when I got to know about the secret of pulling readers.
I started getting 100 visits a day which grew and grew to 10000+ visits a day in 2019. So, let me tell you my secret of writing a blog post that people actually want to read.
These tips have always worked for me and hopefully will work for you as well.
Know your Audience Like you Know your Best Friend
Before you hit the keyboard to create an awesome post that can attract only 10 visits in total, you need to have a clear understanding of your target audience. Ask yourself these questions:
- Who are they (gender, age)?
- What do they do for a living?
- What do they want to learn about?
A better understanding of your audience will help you build engagement through your blog posts. If you write something generic, it falls into an internet black hole i.e. never catching anyone’s attention. Writing something that your audience really wants to read separates your blog from thousands of blogs on the internet.
Choose a Topic that Interests you as well
Usually, I start brainstorming with a headline and a few keywords. The first few things you type don’t have to be genius, but ought to have something enough to give you an idea what you want to say and what direction you’re going to take.
I’ve seen people not spending enough time going through different angles and ideas on what they can write. You must give yourself time to roll around the blank word document and develop it in an open-mind state.
Find out your own Writing Style
Once your article headlines and initial idea are sorted, it’s time to write. But before that, you need to define your own writing style and tone. What writing style do you have? Do you keep your content short and sweet? Or do you love writing long, detailed articles? Do you get personal, or you only talk about business?
It’s up to you what writing style and tone you keep unless your content is getting boring to read. But, here’re a few things you should never try to do:
- Become someone you aren’t
- Using too much vocabulary just to impress people
- Stuffing keyword unnecessarily
Write Awesome Introduction
You need to be bang on while writing the introduction if you want your readers to stay on the blog post. You need to grab their attention with an irresistible introduction. But this art of writing an awesome introduction takes time and a lot of practice. You can trick this too:
- Start with a question that might make people think or make them feel worried
- State a fact or make a declaration
These tricks might sound a bit obvious but ensure that your introduction actually relates to your content body, otherwise, your readers will feel like they’ve wasted their time in reading and that they’ve been cheated.
Pick a title that is Super-Catchy
After you have typed the last sentence of your article, it’s the time to get creative with the title of your blog post. You had enough brainstorming when you started writing, but now you need to craft a title that fits the final words of your post.
It is harder than it sounds. Deciding a title can take an equal amount of time as it took to write that article. You need to be really perfect in choosing the title to grab the attention of the reader.
The Bottom Line
Once you have published a handful of blogs, it’s the time to go back and study them. Check your writing tone, any grammar issues or any updates that can be mentioned in existing blog posts. Keep your reader happy and they will keep coming back to your blog to find something new.