How to Keep Your SEO and Marketing Strong (and Stay Afloat)

The coronavirus (COVID-19) is quickly sweeping the United States like something out of a post-apocalyptic world, and businesses, both large and small, are feeling the pressure. However, there are ways to not only keep your SEO and marketing strategies strong during these tumultuous times but to also come out on top as things start to get back to normal.
1. Communicate Availability and Changes
First, it’s very important that your clients understand that you’re still open for business, as many companies (including Disneyworld) are temporarily shutting their doors in the face of the pandemic. Use press releases and social media engagement to let your customers know that you’re still there for them.
Additionally, if you’ve decided to make any changes to your normal schedule or business practices, ensure that your customers are receiving that information as well. You could put a temporary alert on your website or again go with a press release in order to convey this information. Regardless of your plan to deal with the virus, it’s critical that your clients have full transparency when it comes to the services you will continue to provide over the next few weeks and months.
2. Evaluate the Measures You’re Taking to Protect Your Clients
Almost every business is feeling the pressure of the coronavirus, and they’re feeling it in various ways. Have any of your clients had their supply chain affected? In what ways can you work with them until they are able to resume normal operations? Have they had anyone internally who has contracted the virus and is out of work? Have they found themselves needing to allow their staff to work from home? These are all very common issues these days for businesses, both large and small, and it’s important that you brainstorm ways to help your clients get over these hurdles and weather the storm in the meantime.
3. Be There for Your Team
Now, more than ever, it’s critical that you work compassionately with your employees and co-workers. The panic surrounding the pandemic has affected the overall mood and productivity of many people–and for good reason. Thus, if you are the director of your company or in a position of power, it’s critical that you take the time to discuss these fears with your employees and hear out their very valid concerns. Additionally, take the time necessary to clearly disseminate information to your team. Make a list of the ways in which your company has been affected (supply chain, working from home, etc.) and hold a meeting in which you speak with everyone with clear and calm authority. Let them know that they’re being heard and ensure that they fully understand the situation. That way, they’ll feel more informed and thus much more comfortable. This will lead to higher levels of productivity, less stress, and an overall improved mood. Furthermore, your employees will then be able to articulate any pertinent information to your clients with clarity and a uniform approach.
Additionally, if you are not in a leadership position within your company, it’s still critically important that you take the time to be there for your co-workers. Hear out their concerns about both the virus and the changes going on in your workplace.
4. Be There for Your Clients
Now is the time to increase your client outreach. Even just a simple call to see how they’re feeling in the face of all of this uncertainty can make a world of difference. You’ll differentiate yourself from your competitors by showing that you truly care about the health and wellbeing of your customers. Moreover, a lot of companies are ramping down right now, so they might have a little extra free time to discuss ideas and strategies with you that would have otherwise been pushed to the side for the time being.
5. Alter Your Practices (if Necessary)
Keep in mind that even if you want to keep things status quo, you may need to adapt a bit to the massive shift in the global market. Consider the ways that you can continue to provide quality service to your clients while also making them feel confident in the fact that you’re taking this scare seriously. For example, if you’re in the food service industry, it might be prudent to have all workers (even servers) begin wearing gloves. Perhaps you can set up a hand sanitizing station near the entrance of your establishment to assure people that you’re doing all you can to keep them safe. Whatever your business, there are small measures you can take to install confidence in your customers and continue to keep your business thriving.
6. Stay Calm, Focused, and Strong
This is extremely important for all people at this point, but even more so within the workplace. If you’re in a leadership position, then you need to set a good example for your workers. On the other hand, if you’re a team member, your mood can have a strong influence over the group. If you are confident that things will return to normal and that your business will weather the storm, others will be as well.
7. Focus on the Endgame
“This too shall pass.” It may be an old adage, but it couldn’t be more accurate, especially right now. Everything comes in cycles, and regardless of the current circumstances, things will eventually get back to normal. That’s why it’s so critical to remain calm and focused at a time like this. If you employ tactical SEO and marketing strategies now, in a time of worry and uncertainty, you will set yourself up for success in the future.
8. Take Time To Innovate and Develop New SEO Strategies
Now is the time to take a step back and evaluate your current strategy. Despite the current uncertain conditions, most companies are actually finding themselves with a little extra time on their hands due to the fact that supply chains have been disrupted, consumers are staying in more, and some businesses have had to allow their employees to take time off or work from home.
Thus, your business has been given a golden opportunity to look into your current SEO strategy and optimize it for future results. What’s a market you’ve been looking to break into? Have you been considering updating your current website content? Are you behind on your press releases, social media presence, and blog production? Take advantage of this downtime and reorganize, re-strategize, and carefully consider the ways in which you can optimize your web presence and not only continue your current momentum but also break into new areas.
thanks for sharing the information with us.
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