How Can You Prioritize Testing Tasks in Software Projects?

Modern software projects can be classified into three different phases namely the development, testing, and production phases. During the earlier phases, the app developers didn’t prioritize the testing phases as the apps were fairly straightforward and did not pose many issues. However with the rise of modern hybrid application architecture, and increasing complexity in the source code, various bugs and errors are frequently rising in the core application infrastructure. So, the app developers have to implement advanced testing processes like cross-browser testing, regression testing, and data analysis testing to ensure the stability of the application architecture. It is also important to properly plan the testing phases and prioritize the tests according to their importance.
With this article, we are going to understand the various strategies that app-developing companies can adopt for prioritizing the testing task in software projects. We will also understand some other important parameters that they must keep in mind during this process.
Changes In the Modern Software Architecture
During the earlier times, software was designed to perform one function at a time and was focused on only the desktop platform. However, with the improvement of technology and the rising demands of the users, the developers had to integrate a hybrid architecture that allows a single application to perform multiple tasks and be functional on various devices like desktops, tablets, and even smartphones. Due to this hybrid architecture, the source code of the software needs to have access to multiple elements at the same time. This synchronization between the app elements can pose serious threats to the stability of the core infrastructure.
Moreover, application developers need to optimize the user interface elements for multiple display sizes and resolutions. All these factors justify integrating a properly planned testing phase in a modern software development life cycle. Moreover, modern testing practices encourage the integration of agile methodologies that allow the app developers to conduct the testing and development processes side by side. The core benefit of this process is that it detects and removes the bugs at earlier phases before they can pose a serious threat to the functioning of the application architecture.
Reasons for Prioritizing Testing Tasks
By properly prioritizing the testing tasks in software projects, the application developers can utilize the following benefits in the testing environment:
- Optimizing the Development Resources
By prioritizing the testing tasks, the app developers can ensure that all the elements in the application are functioning as expected and there isn’t any possibility for rollback after the production phase. Therefore, the company does not have to waste unwanted time and resources for fixing errors after the application release. It also helps the company to improve its financial efficiency and dedicate the resources to creating new features that can be added in future updates of the application.
- Mitigating the Risks
It is a crucial process to identify and prioritize the tests based on the risks they pose to the functioning of the core application infrastructure. By implementing this strategy, the app-developing companies can massively reduce the chances of high-impact failures during the production phase. It also helps to minimize potential business risks and ensure the stability of the overall application development process.
- Efficiently Using The Development Time
The timely delivery of high-quality applications plays a crucial role in ensuring that the company maintains its position in this competitive segment of the industry. By properly prioritizing the testing tasks, the app developers and testers can take a huge step towards achieving this goal. Moreover ensuring that time-sensitive tests are given higher priority also helps to maintain a healthy testing culture within the app-developing company.
- Reducing the Development Costs
By detecting the bugs at earlier stages of the application development life cycle, developers can reduce the overall cost of fixing the bugs. Moreover addressing issues in the early stages of development is highly cost-effective than resolving them after the application has been released to the end users. This practice also eliminates the possibility of critical bugs or application failures that might negatively impact the reputation of the company.
- Uplifting User Satisfaction
In this modern application developing industry, user satisfaction is one of the most important parameters that all app developers must focus on. The satisfaction of users helps to control various analytic parameters like user retention rates and user bounce rates. So, proper implementation of app testing infrastructure helps the application developers and testers achieve this goal.
Ways to Prioritise Testing Tasks in Modern Software Projects
As we already mentioned earlier, the practice of prioritizing the testing task is highly crucial in modern software development projects. To further help the new software developers and testers with this process, we have mentioned some of the most efficient steps that can help them to achieve this goal:
1. Taking a Risk-Based Approach
- Identifying the Risks: The first step in this process is for the developers to identify the potential risks that might be present in the application architecture. We would advise the app developers to first consider all the elements or components that might hamper the functioning of the source code.
- Prioritizing the Tests: Based on the risks that the developers have identified in the previous step, they have to prioritize all the test cases accordingly. It will allow them to ensure that even in the worst-case scenario, at least the basic elements of the application remain functional.
- Implementation of Critical Functioning: Now, it is time to begin testing all the critical functionalities of the app in the first Phase. This is because any issues that might prevail in these areas can massively impact the user or business operations of the company.
2. Analyzing the Impacts and Dependencies
- Dependencies: It is also important for the developers and testers to ensure that they are prioritizing the testing tasks that act as prerequisites for other tasks or functions in the application development life cycle. Any error in these tests can massively impact all the other functions that will follow soon after.
- Points for Integration: It is also important to test all the integrations and interfaces at the earlier stages of the application development process. This is because any issues or errors in these areas can massively impact the functioning of all the other components that might be present in the software.
3. Understanding the Business Value and User Impacts
- Implementing a User-Centric Approach: While working on software that focuses on providing the optimal level of user satisfaction, it is very important for the developers to prioritize those test cases that can directly impact the user experience.
- Focusing on the Business-Critical Features: On the other hand, when the application developers are working on business software like health apps, banking apps, and shopping apps, they must focus on all the elements that will help them accomplish these goals and generate revenue for the company.
4. Focusing on Time-Constraints and Deadlines
- Understanding the Urgency: While prioritizing the test cases in software development projects, it is very important for the testers to consider the deadlines and prioritize the test cases that are time-sensitive and important.
- Use of Quick Wins: While working on tight time constraints, the application developers can consider working on certain issues that either have a high impact on the core functioning or are easy to fix. This will help them to better manage their time and resources of the app company.
5. Implementation of Advanced Testing Processes
- Regression Testing: The application developers can implement regression testing to ensure the smooth release of subsequent application updates. This is because, with this testing process, it is possible to ensure that the new elements do not harm the functioning of the existing elements of the app. We recommend the execution of regression testing after every minor update of the app architecture.
- Cross-browser Testing: Using cross-browser testing, the application developers can massively improve the compatibility of the core app architecture. Using this advanced process, it is possible to verify the stability of the app on multiple combinations of devices, operating systems, and other hardware configurations. Cross-browser testing is one of the most integral parts of developing hybrid and cross-platform apps.
- While performing these test cases, the application developers can also integrate automated cloud platforms. This is because using this integration, the system can automatically initiate regression testing and cross-browser testing after it detects any change in the application architecture. Using cloud platforms, it is also possible to implement real device testing using thousands of real devices stored on remote servers. For that you can leverage LambdaTest, AI powered test orchestration and execution platform that allows you to run test over 3000+ test environments, including real device cloud.
6. Implementation of Iterative and Agile Approach
- Use of Agile Methodologies: Using agile methodologies, the application developers can perform the development and testing phases side by side to massively reduce the overall software project time frame. It will also help them to better prioritize the test cases and remove the critical errors at earlier phases.
- Continuous Feedback Cycle: It is also important for the developers to create continuous feedback from developers, stakeholders, or from the automated testing results. This will provide important data about various issues and their possible resolutions.
7. Implementation of Collaboration and Communication
- Coordination in the Company: To properly prioritize the tests, the development teams, production teams, and stakeholders must coordinate and collaborate. It will help them to share critical information about the current status of the application development project
8. Use of Testing Tools
- Use of Test Management Tools: To understand the priority of multiple tests present in the test suite, the developers can integrate test management tools like Jenkins. It will also help them to understand the risks, dependencies, and coverage of any test instance.
- Scope for Test Automation: To properly utilize the full potential of modern test cases, the developers must prioritize automation testing to free up manual testing resources for critical tasks that require the expertise and involvement of human developers.
The Final Verdict
With this article, we not only focused on the importance of proper software testing in the modern application development life cycle but also analyzed some of the most efficient strategies that can help developers prioritize the test cases. In this regard, we would advise the app developers to constantly survey their target market to gain additional information for understanding the requirements of their audience and customize the application accordingly. From the app developing company’s point of view, it is also important to hold constant seminars about healthy development practices and the implementation of modern standards. Factors like these play a crucial role in uplifting the application standards and creating a positive image for the brand.