Google September 2022 Product Reviews Update Rollout Complete (September 26, 2022)

Google states that the September 2022 Product Reviews Update will be fully implemented on September 26, 2022.
The search engine giant stealthily updated the same on its Google Search ranking updates page before the news broke.
This algorithm update is the fifth in a line of modifications that specifically target review sites.
Although Google hinted at a product reviews change in August, this update has now been made available after the September Core Algorithm Update.
Having said that, you might be confused about whether the core update or the product reviews update is to blame if you notice a change in your site’s rating in the near future.
The Product Reviews Update primarily targets websites that feature product reviews. As a result, if your site contains review-based material, the change in ranking that occurred after the September 2022 Product Reviews Update is most likely the cause.
On the other hand, if you don’t run a review site but still notice changes in your SERP positioning soon, Google’s September Core Update might be to blame.
This upgrade was planned to complete rolling out within a week of its release on September 20, 2022.
The September 2022 Product Reviews update, which was introduced on September 20, will be fully operational in a week.
Furthermore, it is significant that Google announced the rollout completion of the Product Reviews Upgrade on the same day that it declared the September 2022 core algorithm update to be complete.
Given that, website owners and SEOs now have two brand-new algorithm upgrades to consider if they notice noticeable changes in the Google search ranks of their websites.
If your site doesn’t rely on reviews, all you need to do is pay close attention to the main update. However, if you manage a website that includes product reviews, you should pay both updates the same amount of attention in order to make your site’s issues better.
According to Google’s John Mueller, with the core upgrades, we pay more attention to the general relevance of the website than to specific problems.
Therefore, whereas Product Reviews updates exclusively target product review sites, Core changes affect all websites. That also applies to Google’s changes in September 2022. Follow Google’s guidelines carefully, bearing in mind the purpose of your website.