Best Prototyping Tools Designed For UX Designers

Being a designer, you might end up getting lots of ideas for designing that can be either best or worst. But, unless you examine the ideas, in reality, finding the right option won’t be that easy. Now, the market has prototyping tools, which are bigger relief to the community of digitalized designers.
More about prototyping tools:
In layman’s terms, a prototyping tool helps the designer experience how the project will work when it is finally done. They will help you simulate the flow of applications, test performance, and create a greater user experience panel for applications. It can be done without even writing a single code line. There are multiple prototyping tools for UX designers these days, available with multiple users and goals. It means the same tool won’t work all the time. For crafting prototypes, designers have to use loads of prototype tools, under advanced and simple channels, based on the situation.
Now, let’s just go through some of the best prototyping tools, meant for designers and used by UX design firms for help. Going through these UI design tools will help you a lot.
Marvel App:
It is a perfect application to turn anything into the field of interactive prototypes. This browser-based tool helps in simplifying the process up to a certain extent.
- Whenever you signed up for a Marvel account, you can enter the interface and start building your prototype. You can further upload images to Marvel and add transitions and gestures.
- This platform helps in supporting direct uploading of images, under particular types like GIF, JPG, and PSD other than any of the third-party uploads through Sketch, Dropbox, Google Drive, and more.
In Vision:
It is often stated as a powerful design-based prototyping tool. InVision is one major tool globally as it adds new features at a constant rate and helps designers to just create prototypes easily and efficiently. One of the best features of this tool has to be the smooth management of project-based feedback. Design teams and clients can now present you with direct feedback, direct to prototype.
Just in mind:
It is a promising prototyping tool designed for mobile apps and the web. It allows you the idea to create attractive simulations of mobile apps and the web.
- You can add this tool to the corporate identity elements in the prototype instantly. Then it will be dispatched to HTML for online-based presentation.
- It helps in generating specified documentation automatically in Microsoft Word Document. It is an easy way without any programming knowledge and edits a single coding line.
Flinto is mostly available in two versions the web app and an IOS app. The best thing about this tool is its prototyping values. Here, the designers can get to build complex interactive, and simple click-through prototypes without any need for programming skills at all. If you want, you can reuse transitions and even control all kinds of layers. It can further vary complexity. This app is known to use the basic drag and drop option, designed for prototyping as well.
For that prototype that feels real, this option is the one for you. It is a feature-rich and mature platform, best suited for designers looking for ways to create some high-animated and high-fidelity prototypes in browsers.
- This particular prototype tool software helps you to change static designs into some appealing ones for web and mobile apps within literally a few minutes.
- You can either get the chance to upload files directly straight from Dropbox or can just drag and manually drop files.
Origami. design:
As understood from the name, this tool is a design prototyping. Origami is mainly a design app from Facebook. Like any other type of prototyping tool, this one offers various useful features for interactive prototyping.
- It comprises of an extensive documentation-based library complete with sketches, a forum, and Photoshop.
- Through this tool, you can test interactive mobile-based prototypes easily on an IOS device.
- It works with a companion app under the name of Origami Live.
For designing that right solution, you have Axure. It is one of the prototyping tools, designed for professionals. For blending it well with this service, you need coding skills. Well, once mastered you can create some of the advanced interactive prototypes and get the chance to click through some wireframes. It further comes with user flows and customer journey maps. It is one of the best website prototyping tools, which will also act as building apps for mobile. The services are long-lasting and a bit complicated, but worth every second invested in this area.
Get the opportunity to create mobile and web prototypes within minutes, thanks to this prototyping tool for UX designers. Your strong focus over here will be on communication and simplicity.
- It comprises low-fidelity component libraries and high in-built functionalities.
- You can procure some advanced solutions from this source, such as device previews, live team collaboration, and even video presentations.
- These solutions are perfect for product managers, designers, and founders alike.
This is another name for a prototyping tool, designed for IOS, and Android apps. It is another competitive tool solution for mobile and web prototyping.
- This is a versatile and feature-loaded prototyping tool, which gives you the chance to create various types of prototyping styles.
- Some of those solutions over here are screen navigation, UI Mockups, website layouts, desktop-based software prototypes, and even interactive wireframes in town.
It is one of the best examples of prototyping tools for desktop and mobile app design, widely used by UX designers in town. It is used for creating those websites where you can read some of the design industries based blogs.
These are a few of the many prototyping tools available in the market. You can choose so much more once you logged online and start your research level. Just be sure to know more about the comparisons of each tool after going through the features, before making up the right choice.