All You Need To Know About Facebook Instant Articles

You must have heard of the instant article started by Facebook years back. It is a valuable feature by this social media giant which has launched in order to resolve the problems of slow loading over the mobile web. These instant articles are specially made to all sized publishers. It is actually a collaboration with news publishers and content publishers. In this blog, digital marketing experts will steer you through its salient aspects in brief. Check this out –
Introduction to Facebook Instant Articles
Launched in the year 2015, the social media company, Facebook has stepped ahead with the similar Google’s AMP article like feature. Finally, Facebook has lifted up the curtains from its new feature Instant Articles available for all sized publishers. In Feb 2016, the announcement for instant articles was being made but it was actually activated on 12th April during the F8 conference of Facebook.
It is actually HTML5 display developed specifically for mobile-friendliness for multiple mobile operating systems such as Android and iOS. It makes the articles to load with the 10x speed more than a normal feed of article. It also makes the reading experience much improved for the users. A user will for sure feel the visually increased content with appealing appearance telling the design of the story.
How to create Instant Articles on Facebook?
The following are the steps guided by the social media marketing experts which will help you in creating the articles instantly –
- Sign up with your FB account
- Join the program
- Choose the page for articles you want to activate for
- Claim your URL, this will be used in all your future posts
- Synchronize the blogs with instant articles using FB publishing tools
- Personalize the style of articles as per your choice while you setup the page
- Submission of your feeds for the purpose of review
- Get it verified by Facebook
- Last but not least, set up of analytics account in order to track the engagement of users.
No second thought, FB IA has decreased the ratio of robotic spamming of the numbers of articles and blogs. It has also increased the speed of the articles; users are now experiencing the fastest loading of the contents which is somehow saving their time to a great extent.
Benefits of Facebook Instant Articles
You must be wondering about the advantages of FB IA. Well, here we will discuss its benefits in detail –
High Speed Loading
We all know the population of Facebook mobile users, obviously, it is quite high. Maximum FB users are over mobile to use this social media den. The introduction of IA has allowed its users to read such contents quickly. It is easy to identify such speedy articles by recognizing a sign look alike ‘lightning bolt’.
Improved Interface
“The higher the user-experience the better the engagement”. It is absolutely true that a rich interface plays an important part in holding the users on a page. FBIA comes with the rich interface offering the engaging images, informative videos and a lot more in order to engage its users for long.
Direct Publish From CMS
This unique feature of FB also helps in saving time by publishing straight away from the Content Management System. You can also add almost all the features by just using the HTML as the same you have used in originally sourced content. This can be helpful in images, videos and other engaging content.
Limitations of Facebook Instant Articles
Sharing Restrictions
This is also a fact that you can only share your content only to Facebook and Twitter. This is one of the biggest drawbacks of FB IA.
Share Count Unavailable
You cannot count the shares you have made to your content. However, it is not a major lack but yes surprising too for many of us.
Not That Easy To Set Up
Without any technical knowledge, you may find it difficult to setup the Facebook Instant Article.
Finally, all we can say is that it all depends on the objectives and business model you have as a publisher. The above informative blog is written by the Facebook Marketing experts of e-Definers Technology. Keep visiting this space for more.
Appreciate for sharing information. Highly relevant post that provides all knowledge and information about instant articles. Highly recommended post