7 Ways to Attract More Interest in Your Blog Content

The internet has given rise to a digital platform that the entire globe has now taken advantage of. This brings us to the topic of blogs. Blogging involves writing quality online content for a web page. It’s mostly about creativity that is fulfilled by the proper organization of ideas. Having a blog page can be a major responsibility since you have to make sure that your viewers enjoy and love your content. If they don’t, your page is as good as dead. Therefore, you need to make sure that your blog content is updated and always interesting to attract more viewers. Below are some tips that you can follow to come up with interesting blog content.
Be as Natural as Possible
Blogging is just like the regular expression of your ideas in your mouth. The only difference is that you express those ideas in writing through your blog. This means that you need to be as natural as possible to enable the proper flow of content. If you happen to stick to a particular source of information for blogging, you may limit your ideas and style of writing. Equally, this doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t refer to other external sources, but it’s important to only use them to gather ideas. This will make your blogging a lot easier, and you’ll still be able to maintain your original ideas without sounding too complicated.
Break It Down
By now, I’m sure you have noticed that there are tons of blog posts making rounds on the internet and you’re not the only one trying to gain traffic. Another interesting fact is that only 16% of blog viewers will read a blog from the beginning to the end. This is mostly because people are too busy to waste their time reading long blogs. Therefore, you need to break down your blog into short parts just to maintain the reader’s focus. You might also want to employ the use of shorter sentences and paragraphs. This will make it easier for any viewer to read through quickly and still understand the message.
Use the Headline Formula
Any content that is posted on the internet or even written down on paper requires a headline. This important component acts as a promise to the reader. Therefore, your blog content has to have the structure to deliver on that promise. When viewers come across your blog, the first thing they will look at is the headline. If your headline is catchy and meets the promise through the content, you’re most likely to get positive feedback. Also, note that a good headline that backs up boring content can annoy readers. The result will be a negative impression of your writing.
Make Viewers Relate to Your Story
Blogging should be fun and interesting. You need to learn how to be free and open with your audience. This is why you need to create points of interest within your blog by sharing personal experiences. This is the only way your readers will relate to you and be convinced that what you’re writing about can happen to anyone. After all, reading a blog with indicated personal experiences always has a humane aspect that seems to attract readers.
Use the First Sentence of Rule
If you remember your essay assignments back in school, the number one rule in essays was to use a catchy first sentence. This same rule applies in blogging and is what will capture your reader’s attention from the beginning to the end. This is just after the headline and if it happens to be boring, your reader may be hesitant to even read through the introduction. This is as good as having dead content which will chase away readers the moment they begin reading what you took time to write. A catchy first sentence needs to make sense and encourage the reader to carry on to the next line. Equally, you need to be able to carry the reader throughout with good flow, and not just have them pinned down in the first sentence only.
Get Straight to the Point
If you want to attract more interest in your blog content, you have to be concise and straight to the point with your material. Be clear and use words that aren’t too complicated for the reader. Remember you’re writing for entertainment purposes. Readers want something they can easily understand and enjoy. You should also write about things that are relevant to your target audience. In case, you are not sure about what might be relevant, look through various forums, sites, such as JoelHouse.com.au, and your target market’s social media posts to get some ideas.
Go with a Series of Related Blog Posts
Instead of just writing one interesting blog post after the other, why not come up with a series of interesting blog posts on the same topic? For example, perhaps you are teaching your readers about email marketing. You can create a one-week series on the topic whereby you explain each tip vigorously daily for 7 days straight. That way, your readers will look forward to the rest of the content in the same series because they are curious and want to learn.
Blogging can help you increase traffic to your website, but only if it’s done properly with the needs of the readers put into consideration. At the end of the day, developing interesting content that’s well-structured is what will make your blog stand out from your competitors.
wow great article,
thanks for sharing.
Thank you for providing good content it’s really helpful.
Great article ! I really appreciated the depth of analysis and the clarity of the writing.
Good Blog. Thanks For Sharing.
Blogging is just like the regular expression of your ideas in your mouth. The only difference is that you express those ideas in writing through your blog.
massive post,
Usefull And Helpfull Thankyou.
thanks for share nice post ‘
Thanks for the valuable information Mr Singh. Keep shining and stay blessed.